Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Big Day

I won't take all day to write this. I'll get to the point. Tomorrow is the BIG DAY.

My son Nolan (my 7th grader) and I decided to keep a blog about our journey this year with homeschooling. We chose Virginia Virtual Online Academy as we heard great reviews about it. I'll post pictures, some videos and talk about our ups and downs.

I'll even share the backstory of how we got here in another post. I don't have unrealistic expectations about the experience. I know it will be work, and a high level of discipline will required of both of us. I know there are a few that don't agree and think we are taking a huge risk. Then there are more that are for us and extremely supportive. 

I have concluded, sometimes it's the risks that make all the difference in the world.

Mom of Nolan, The Cool Kid

1 comment:

FALL-ing Into Place

Nolan takes a break from Math with a snack  and some YouTube while at his Aunt Linda's   Past 3 weeks have been about maintaining...